Who we are

People make the world go round (and physics)


Luc Henry

As a former researcher and journalist, Luc Henry has a strong interest in discussing the impact of new technologies on society, in particular in the fields of biotechnology and health. He founded Hackuarium to provide a space where people learn by making, and not just with pairs, but with people from a variety of background. When he is not helping various projects with some support in the laboratory, he is either advocating for Hackuarium in Switzerland, or planning the next event at UniverCité.


Yann Pierson

Yann is a PhD student in chemical biology at EPFL, the Hackuarium lab manager and a very active member of the community. His goal is to provide the most user-friendly and up-to-date laboratory to Hackuarium members. He coordinates the collection of material and instruments from private companies or institutions around Lausanne and set them up in the lab.

IMG_20150414_233027Vanessa Lorenzo

Artist, industrial design engineer and bio-hacker, she currently a student of Master of Arts in Media design and interaction at HEAD Geneva. Working in the field of on new media she researches the convergence between living organisms, digital and its applications.

She is a board member of Hackuarium and the initiator of the d_artyMonkeys initiative, which seeks to encourage artists, scientists and engineers in a dialogue with the public about biotechnological advances, artificial systems and possible futures through discussions, events and various projects.


Jonathon Sobel

Jonathan is a PhD Student in computational systems biology at EPFL. At Hackuarium, he develops several projects using his data analysis skills, such as BeerDecoded or the quantitative anthropology project, and he plays around art and education in the biological 3D structures project. He has been involved in several students associations, such as the Bio-Sciences Network from Lausanne (BSNL) and the Swiss Regional Section Group of the International Society of Computational Biology (ISCB RSG Switzerland). Sometimes he likes self-contradiction. He believes that Science is based on facts (DATA) and not on beliefs.


Gianpaolo Rando

Gianpaolo Rando is a life technologist interested in patching real world problems. When it comes to materialising ideas into testable prototypes, Hackuarium is his sandbox of choice. He is keen to scout and attract the best talents to join this creative space.


Sam Sulaimanov

Advising on all things technical at Hackuarium, especially if help is needed for accessing tools, getting your websites and wiki pages right. Fools around a lot at Octanis building weird stuff. Otherwise probably coding.

img_6644Ana Roldan

Fascinated with the mysteries of Nature since always, she is a physics student at EPFL. She mostly tries to understand how the Universe works. Hackuarium is the platform to share with others her fervor for Science, to learn from people of different backgrounds and to apply the theoretical knowledge into a practical environment. Her mission is finding people with new ideas and encouraging them to materialize what there’s in their minds, making sure they will start a project and continue working with it.

YannHeurtauxLIFTYann Heurtaux

Hackuarium is the ultimate kind of community Yann wanted to found and learn from, after having done so in various other environments. Shalf’s main project at Hackuarium was to make sure that everybody knows we are awesome, hence joins. For more than a year, he curated our special #OpenHackuarium nights.

YannHeurtauxLIFTDan Hernandez

Community outreach & Cell evolution